BHM Day 8: Blue Lotus Feet of the Divine Mother

I was listening to a track by Sacred Earth yesterday which inspired today's post. As I was listening to their track 'Divine Mother', she mentioned β€˜The Blue Lotus feet of the Divine Mother'. It suddenly dawned on me that my subconscious mind has been gently guiding me towards the Divine Mother since I asked for … Continue reading BHM Day 8: Blue Lotus Feet of the Divine Mother

BHM Day 6: The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil

Yesterday we looked at the symbolism in the Serpent and the Tree of Life, today we will look at the symbolism in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I LOVE trees! (the older the better). In The Serpent and the Tree of Life I QUESTioned whether the Tree of Life in the bible … Continue reading BHM Day 6: The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil

Discover & Fulfil YOUR Soul Purpose!

In 1998 I asked my Creator what my purpose was, and was told it's 'to Promote LOVE through Creativity!' I've been fulfilling my purpose through my Books, Art, Poetry, Events and The Self Love Retreat. Since emerging from my 'Dark Night of the Soul' (where I experienced a 'mini-death') I have emerged a new person, … Continue reading Discover & Fulfil YOUR Soul Purpose!