BHM Day 6: The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil

Yesterday we looked at the symbolism in the Serpent and the Tree of Life, today we will look at the symbolism in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I LOVE trees! (the older the better). In The Serpent and the Tree of Life I QUESTioned whether the Tree of Life in the bible … Continue reading BHM Day 6: The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil

BHM Day 4: Jesus and His Divine Mother

Yesterday I said I'd explain how the yoni plays a big part in Christianity! 'Yoni' is the sanskrit word for the female sex organ aka the vagina or vulva, which has also been said to smell 'fishy'. Jesus' ministry involved fish on a number of occasions, e.g. he fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and … Continue reading BHM Day 4: Jesus and His Divine Mother

BHM blog series Day 3: The Eve Gene

In yesterday's blog ‘The Origins of Christianity’ I said I would tackle the claim that Eve was created from Adam's rib! As a Truth-seeker who likes to ask QUESTions, I decided to ask whether this was true. Let's start with the claim that Adam was made first: According to GENETICS, chromosomes are the building blocks … Continue reading BHM blog series Day 3: The Eve Gene

BHM blog series Day 2: The Origins of Christianity

Today's topic is about how African spirituality was stolen, repackaged, and handed back to us in the form of mental slavery - the bible. However, because the bible was compiled using ancient manuscripts stolen from Kemet (Egypt), it still contains a lot of Truth. I have interpreted the above scripture to mean that our ancestors … Continue reading BHM blog series Day 2: The Origins of Christianity

BHM blog series Day 1: The Bible and Mental Slavery

For 'Black His-story Month' I've committed to writing a blog a day to honour my ancestors, and to help my people 'break free from mental slavery'. Shout out to my shero Harriet Tubman for her role in history, helping her people break free from physical slavery. This 'Black His-story Month' blog series will show how … Continue reading BHM blog series Day 1: The Bible and Mental Slavery

Jacinth Headlam UK Book Launch

Last Friday I had the pleasure of interviewing award-winning Actress, QVC Model, film producer and now Author Jacinth Headlam at the UK Launch of her memoir ' Love After...' Jacinth found her purpose in life after turning a situation around that could have destroyed her! Yet she turned it into a Pow-Her-Full book and documentary, … Continue reading Jacinth Headlam UK Book Launch