Extract from Year Three: Life Path Number

Extract from Year Three:  Life Path Number

…Charles suddenly started looking for a notebook and pen, and announced “Right, let’s work out your Life Path number, shall we?”

“What’s a Life Path number?” Suzanne questioned, intrigued.

“Well, according to Numerology, your Life Path number is the most important number relating to your birth.  It reveals the road you’re travelling, and gives a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and lessons you’ll encounter in your life. It’s simple to work out, so let’s start with your date of birth; 5th of November…what year were you born again?”


“Okay, so first we’re going to reduce each unit of your birth date to a single digit, so we take the number 5 from the day you were born, the number 11 from the month you were born, then we reduce the numbers in the year you were born to a single digit.  See?”

Charles wrote down all the numbers to demonstrate:



= 21  (2+1=3)

“Then you add them all up”:  5 + 11 + 3 = 19

“Why haven’t you broken down the 11 to a single digit?” Suzanne queried.

“Good question, you’re on ball!”  Charles commended her for spotting it.

“The number 11 is a ‘Master Number’.  The Master Numbers, 11, 22 and 33 are the only numbers you don’t reduce to a single digit.  But even if we did, in your case we’d still end up with the same Life Path number.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well so far your Life Path number adds up to 19, but if we reduced the 11 to a single digit, we’d end up with 10.  See?”

Charles added them up again:


1 + 1 = 2

1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 21  (2+1=3)

5 + 2 + 3 = 10

“So is my Life Path number 19 or 10?”  Suzanne asked.

“Neither.  We still have to reduce the two digits to a single digit.  In your case, both the 19 and 10 reduce to a 1.”

He showed her on paper what he meant: 1 + 9 = 10 (1 + 0 = 1)

1 + 0 = 1

“Suzanne, your Life Path number is 1.  Do you know what that means?”

“I have no idea!” she responded in anticipation, knowing he would enlighten her.

Charles reached for his Numerology book and flipped to the right section: “Being a number 1 makes you… ‘A natural born leader; you insist on the right to make up your own mind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and determination. You don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal.  You are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch of the unusual. Your approach to problems is unique and you have the courage to wander from the beaten path.  You perform best when you are left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own business and be your own boss. Hold fast to your life’s dream and work with the determination you possess to realize it’.”

He paused to look up at her before adding “It also says ‘Don’t let pride and over-confidence be your masters. Remember, your talents and abilities are a gift from a Higher Source, which should promote gratitude and humility, rather than pride and conceit.  More often than not a person with a ‘1’ Life Path will achieve much in life as long as the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed.’

“Wow, that’s amazing!” Suzanne said in a surprised tone; “that sounds just like me – how does it work?”

“Pretty much along the same lines as Astrology; it’s the same science,” Charles informed her.

“Gosh… everybody should know what their Life Path number is!  What’s yours?” Suzanne asked him.“Astrology deals with the way the planets were aligned on the day you were born, while Numerology deals with the numbers in your birth date.  Both can give accurate descriptions about the potential your life holds, and what you came here to do – but you still have ultimate freedom to do with your life as you choose; you can fulfill its potential completely, or make some smaller version of your Self. It all depends on the effort and commitment you put in; however, the possible ‘you’ is contained within from the moment you were born.”


“Read yours then!”

Charles proceeded to read about his Life Path;

‘The 7 Life Path is the seeker of Truth.  You have a clear and compelling sense of your Self as a spiritual being.  As a result, your goal is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and to finding the answers to the mysteries of life.  You possess a fine mind; you are an analytical thinker who is capable of great concentration and theoretical insight.  You enjoy research and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together.  Once you have enough pieces in place, you are capable of highly creative insight, and of practical solutions to problems.’

“Oh, no wonder we get on so well – we’re both Truth-seekers!  So are 1 and 7 compatible?”

“They could be!” Charles replied cheekily.

He then proceeded to work out the rest of Suzanne’s Core Numbers and explained them to her as he went along.  He explained that the day she was born also held significant meaning, and reading from his book, explained to her what being born on the 5th meant: “…Five  represents change, non-conformity, individualism, travel and adventure –

“I like the sound of that!” she interrupted; “I’ve always wanted to travel!”

“Well it’s written in your stars,” Charles affirmed, looking at her intently.  Going back to his book he continued; “Five signifies opportunity, resourcefulness, and risk.  5 is extremely multi-talented and versatile, persuasive, sensual, magnetic, entertaining, scientific and analytical.  5 carries the magical mystique of quintessence that helps us experience the wonders of life.  This vibration is the innate healer and teaches us to be flexible and adaptable.

Looking up at her he smiled as he added;

“I can vouch for that.”


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