A Dedicated Writer (inc. YouTube clip)

I am a dedicated writer.

A dedicated writer puts their writing first

When the inspiration’s flowing, they flow along with it,

They yield to the spirit, and write.

Even when it’s inconvenient they stop what they’re doing, to write.

They could be walking down the street when the bolt of inspiration strikes like lightening!

And then they know they have to reach for their paper and pen, and write.

They could be shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, showering, sleeping

But when it happens, no matter what they’re doing, they know they have to stop – to write!

A dedicated writer gets up in the middle of the night, to write.

They leave ink stains on their sheets as their pen makes love to the paper all night.

They could be writing poems, songs, or best-selling books, it doesn’t even matter,

As long as they’re writing, like a junkie needing their next fix a writer just has to write.

A dedicated writer writes and writes and writes and writes and writes and writes and writes!

To a dedicated writer, writing is like making love – they get off, by writing.

To a dedicated writer, writing can be like giving birth; hard pushing,

But when the beautiful baby – the end result – is born, it’s worth all the pain.

Writing can be quick and painless too, when the inspiration’s flowing

(This poem was written in less than half an hour at five o’clock in the morning!)

Time’s up.

A dedicated writer also knows when to… STOP.

© Cezanne November 2010


(This poem is including in the first 2012 Loose Muse Anthology of Women Writers, available at http://www.flippedeye.net under ‘specials’ for £7.99)

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